Oh, Summer. That fleeting time where it’s warm and sunny and the need for sunblock and bug spray abounds.

Before you know it, the kids are heading back to school and I don’t know about you, but I’m happy about that. I love when my kids are home and we get to do fun stuff that the normal school year doesn’t allow. But, it seems like our summers are more hectic with crazy schedules than the school year. My daughter has several camps that she attends, both overnight and day camps. My son has ESY and for some ungodly reason, it starts an HOUR BEFORE REGULAR SCHOOL. Yes, we get up an hour earlier than normal during the summer for a few weeks and it is the worst.

Not to mention the answering of the same questions over and over and over, endlessly. And watching Minecraft videos, and kids shows on TV, and the sandy shoes in the doorway, and all of those other little annoyances. Don’t tell the little one, but I missed her so much when she was gone for a week to camp!

Today, as I was walking through Target on a grocery run with both kids in tow, I saw the glorious first signs of the back to school season. It looked like Crayola had taken over three aisles. I noticed that most moms and kids were avoiding that area of the store, probably trying to put off the inevitable. But I am not one of those moms. I am looking forward to our normal routine returning to let me sleep in a little bit longer M-F and not having to check my Google calendar every hour to see where I’m schlepping the next kid.

I can’t wait for that letter from the school to arrive to tell me who my 5th grader’s teacher will be this year. And I have absolutely no problem trying to find everything on the supplies list, and then some. If the teacher needs 15 boxes of Kleenex, 3 bottles of bleach, and 4 packages of pink fine line dry erase markers, I’m on it! I will not complain about trekking to 3 different office supply stores and Target to find exactly what’s on the list. Or about how much it will cost to do the supplies list for two kids.


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